About the Journal

International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems (IJADIS) (e-ISSN: 2721-3056) is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of data science and information system that is published twice a year, scheduled in April and October.

The IJADIS brings together thought leaders, researchers, industry practitioners, and potential data science and information system users to develop the field, discuss new trends and opportunities, exchange ideas and practices, and promote cross-disciplinary and cross-domain collaboration.

The IJADIS aims to integrate all disciplines, such as statistics, computational science, and intelligence science, and practical transformation in domains such as science, engineering, business management, natural and social sciences, data analysis, database management, decision science, information systems, operations research, management science, production/operations management, statistics, as well as education. The journal is published by Indonesian Scientific Journal (Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia). Accepted papers will be made available online (free open access).

International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems has been designated as a scientific periodical accredited dated December 30, 2023, by the Director General of Strengthening the Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 as a Sinta 3. It is valid since volume 1(1) in 2020 until volume 5(2) in 2024.  

Topics of relevance include all aspects of trends, scientific foundations, techniques, and applications of data science, data analytics, and information systems. The listed topics of interest are as follows: Click for more detail

Journal Title : International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems
E-ISSN : 2721-3056
Accredited : SINTA 3
DOI : 10.25008 by Crossref
Chief Editor : Assoc. Prof. Haruna Chiroma, Ph.D. (Scopus ID: 55583663400)
Associate Editor in Chief : Achmad Pratama Rifai, Ph.D., Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Frequency : 2 issues per year (April, October)
Publisher : Indonesian Scientific Journal
Indexation : Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions
Email : info@ijadis.org | +6281381694837 (WhatsApp / Telegram)
Citation Analysis : CITEDNESS IN SCOPUS

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): October 2024 - International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems

In this issue, 12 articles have been published by 34 authors from 3 countries, namely Myanmar, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The Cover and Introduction can be downloaded here.

Published: 2024-09-28


  • Indonesian to Bengkulu Malay Statistical Machine Translation System

    Bella Okta Sari Miranda, Herman Yuliansyah, Muhammad Kunta Biddinika
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1323
  • Forensic Analysis of the WhatsApp Application Using the National Institute of Justice Framework

    Muhammad Fahmi Mubarok Nahdli, Imam Riadi, Muhammad Kunta Biddinika
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1328
  • Adoption Drivers of Digital Platform for Coal Production Planning: an Extended UTAUT Model Using PLS-SEM Analysis

    Eko P. Nugroho, Meditya Wasesa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1321
  • Industry 5.0 Research in the Sustainable Information Systems Sector: A Scoping Review Analysis

    Ahmad Zulkifli, Meditya Wasesa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1336
  • Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Boiler Steam Production

    Duan Lianzhai, Rusdianto Roestam, Tjong Wan Sen, Hasanul Fahmi, Ong ChungKiat, Dian Tri Hariyanto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1339
  • Improvement The Accuracy of Convolutional Neural Network with Using Undersampling Method on Unbalanced Credit Card Dataset

    Kyi Pyar
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1333
  • Comparative Analysis of Cryptocurrency Prediction based on Deep Learning, Decision Tree, Gradient Boosted Tree, Random Tree, and k-NN Model

    Sugeng Riyadi, Faisal Fahmi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1338
  • Smart Expo UMKM Based on Extreme Programming Method: Evaluating on Black Box and UAT

    I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, Putu Veda Andreyana, Yogiswara Dharma Putra
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1344
  • Ensemble Stacking of Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Corrosion Inhibitor Performance of Pyridazine Compounds

    Noval Ariyanto, Harun Al Azies, Muhamad Akrom
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1346
  • Predicting Methanol Space-Time Yield from CO2 Hydrogenation Using Machine Learning: Statistical Evaluation of Penalized Regression Techniques

    Harun Al Azies, Muhamad Akrom, Setyo Budi, Gustina Alfa Trisnapradika, Aprilyani Nur Safitri
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1341
  • Web-Based Geographic Information System to Find Viral Culinary Tourist Spots

    Supiyandi Supiyandi, Ramlah Binti Mailok
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1343
  • Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Users Towards Kartu Prakerja Program Using the Naive Bayes Method

    Harto Tomi Wijaya, Kustiyono Kustiyono
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59395/ijadis.v5i2.1342
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